Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Spring Training 2013: Agility, Conditioning, and Core

Ladders x 3
-jog one foot in each square (f, b, r, l)  l and r variation are just grapevine/karaoke
-run two feet in each square (f, b, r, l)
-crawl (f, b) - this is one foot in one foot out one at a time
-climb (f, b) - this is one foot in one foot out together
-jump both feet (f, b, r, l)
-jump right foot (f, b, r, l)
-jump left foot (f, b, r, l)
-alternate jumping in and out (f, b)

Stairs x 4
-one step at a time
-two steps at a time
-right side one step at a time
-left side one step at a time
-one step at a time
-two steps at a time
-right side one step at a time (x2) 
-left side one step at a time (x2)
*Relax and shake out your arms on the way down

Core x 2
20 russian twists with 8# medicine ball
20 sit ups with twist and punch at the top
20 rowers
20 flutter kicks*
20 scissor kicks*
20 lay down to sit up switch arms to touch opposite toes
30 mountain climbers (or reverse mountain climbers)
*Squish the grape!

Cool down legs, abs, and arms with foam roller.  
Meditate for 5 minutes.